Comments on: SIRUI 40mm Autofocus Anamorphic Lens Review – T1.8, 1.33x, S35 for an Affordable Price Mon, 09 Dec 2024 11:17:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:18:09 +0000 In reply to KFHEU.

Okay, so couple of points to note here: 1. Yes, the L-mount has “also ran” status behind the bigger manufacturers, but that is when looking at the entire base of users. We are talking about an anamorphic lens here, and when seen against the entire base of lenses, that is a very niche area. Panasonic is unique among the mirrorless camera base for the extreme amount of support it gives to anamorphic lenses. It offers a very wide variety of anamorphic squeeze factors, which, coupled with open gate, make it the most anamorphic-friendly cameras out there. Coupled with that is its anamorphic mode for its best-of-class stabilization, which is pretty unique too. There are even some shooters (present company included) who have switched over to Panasonic due to the large amount of anamorphic they shoot. So in other words, in the world of anamorphics, Panasonic cameras have a disproportionately large market share, and Panasonic shooters have all the right to ask about L-mount support for this lens. 2. The picture is unfortunately complicated by the fact that Sirui is not a part of the L-mount alliance, so legally speaking they can’t just make an autofocus L-mount lens (manual is fine). Whether the alliance (read: Leica) is as litigious as Canon remains to be seen. Right now I think everybody is waiting to see what happens to Meike, who brought out the first unauthorised L-mount lenses this year. Blazar has, after an avalanche of queries, said it will bring out an L-mount version of the Apex next year. Not holding my breath, though. And Sirui is clearly playing it safe for now.

By: KFHEU Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:13:05 +0000 In reply to Pablo.

Whether Panasonic has the most versatile hybrid cameras or not is debatable.

Anyway, the crux of the matter is, that Panasonic is relegated to “also ran” status far behind Canon, Sony, Nikon and Fujifilm. In a market more or less stagnating, if worse is not to come.

Why should “third party” lens manufacturers waste time and money on supporting the “automation protocol” of cameras for lenses, that hardly will sell in numbers, that will pay for the efforts?


By: Pablo Tue, 26 Nov 2024 22:46:44 +0000 Why is L-mount always left out? Panasonic has the most versatile video hybrid cameras. I’m puzzled.

By: A K Mon, 25 Nov 2024 20:52:18 +0000 Four things are making the Blazar the better choice, depsite probably being more expensive than the Sirui. The Sirui’s 1. Weird distortion (After owning the Nanomorphs, I prefer noticeable barrel) 2. No hard stops on the focus ring (Wierd) 3. The almost double closefocus distance 4. Slightly longer focal length.

By: Chris Lewis Mon, 25 Nov 2024 16:03:27 +0000 That pincusion distortion is indeed very subtle. So much so that it seems to have morphed into slight barrel distortion…
